Britelite Immersive | Portfolio of Creative Technology & Digital…

Virtual Reality Experience

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Cisco Live

Virtual Reality Experience

InVision Communication turned to Britelite to co-develop a Cisco virtual reality application with Obscura Digital. As a narrative experience, the VR application provided insight into Cisco’s advancements in the world of IoT as applied to manufacturing, utilities, and transportation. Additionally, the experience showcased how Cisco products drive innovation, streamline pipelines, lower costs and increase ROI opportunities.


  • Cisco Live

Project Type

  • VR/AR


  • Design
  • Development


  • Unity 3D Engine
  • Autodesk Maya
  • VR HMD

The Result

The Cisco Live VR experience became a valuable tool used as a part of the larger Cisco EBC. Clients were able to see Cisco technology applied to their own business pain points through the immersive lens of VR. Cisco was able to bring their IOT and industrial systems into the conversation when clients were physically in the designated environment, leading to better communication with clients and increased sales opportunities.

Cisco3 WEB
©2025 Britelite Immersive

Britelite Immersive is a creative technology company that builds experiences for physical, virtual, and online realities.

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